A team has many definitions but they all draw the same inference. A team is a group of people with specific roles and complementary skills aligned with and committed to a common purpose, who though high levels of collaboration and innovation, will produce superior results.

Achieving the desired result, no matter what the circumstance, stands the greatest chance of success if the team is united in pursuit of that result. A truly functional team operates with a high degree of interdependence, mutual trust, is prepared to engage in unfettered conflict, has a shared commitment allied to a willingness to be accountable, and is attentive to the end result.

Every successful team has a team coach, it is the coach’s responsibility to ensure that the team, individually and collectively, understands what each role is, what the collective objective is and what the end goal is. Without this clarity of purpose, responsibility and commitment, the goal will not be achieved and this applies equally to business as it does to sport or any other walk of life.

Q4 Management operates team workshops and offers team coaching, with the prime purpose being to deliver to the business a fully functional and focused team.

The principal coaching areas are:

Purpose, Values & Shared Vision
Clarification of Resources, Roles & Responsibilities
Collective Communication
Team Dynamic, Profile & Characteristics
Empowerment & Accountability
Peak Performance Management
Recognition & Appreciation
The Team Charter of Commitment
Attention To The Result
Identification of Further Coaching Requirements